V. Houliaras &Co decided to present Walters cutting tools in a different way on Saturday 17 June and Sunday 18 June 2017 in Thessaloniki and Athens.Walterwhich is a company invests a lot in optimization of tools every year exceeding in technology both older WALTER and competitors tools, could not stay in just a simple exhibition of some tools.
The participants were very satisfied from the presentation, because they had the opportunity to discuss from Walter’s Technicians the optimum use of the tools for bigger performance and the new grades and coatings with their advantages for better machining. Also, WALTER GPS app was presented, which gives the opportunity to search the suitable tool for each application including all the necessary geometries and cutting data.
The basic sections presented were:
New Tiger-tecGold grade in milling inserts
M4000 milling heads
DC170 drill with the Walter’s special design
Internal coolant grooving tool holders
Republication from "Εργαλειομηχανές" magazine